Hey !

I’m Dylan Soetopo 👋

Multi-Channel MARKETer.

Content CREAtor.

Storyteller At Heart.

  • I’m a creative and detail-oriented professional with 3+ years of experience in digital marketing and 5+ years in video production. Proven success in project production, social media marketing, managing marketing campaigns, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to ensure timely execution of marketing initiatives.

    I’m proactive and adept at managing high-pressure and fast-paced environments, with strong technical proficiency in the Adobe Creative Cloud Suite, DaVinci Resolve, and other digital asset/AV creation and management tools. Strong passion for storytelling and the entertainment industry, particularly in film!

  • Hobbies/Interests:

    • Film/Filmmaking: I’m a HUGE film guy. I grew up with movies! My family took me to see a movie or two every single weekend growing up. Also, picking up a camera, shooting, and editing with other people is one of the best things ever.

      • I’m relatively active on Letterboxd! Add me @dylsoetopo to see what I’m watching.

    • Coffee: I live and breath coffee. Love exploring different types of coffee, coffee experiences, and coffee-making methods. I have an espresso battle-station at home. Ask me about it!

    • Video Games: Super into multiplayer First-Person Shooters (FPS). Grew up around games like Super Mario 64, Shadow of the Colossus, and Skyrim!

  • Just want to say that I’m thankful you stopped by. You’re the best.

    Have a great rest of your day :).