14 dAys in CAlifornia

Shot, Edited, & Color-graded by Dylan Soetopo


  • A video I worked on to showcase the highlights from my experience with my family coming over to LA, summer 2023. This personal project is my way of learning how to use Davinci Resolve from scratch to compile, edit, and color grade clips. This was also my first time shooting video in S-LOG 3, which is a cinema-grade color profile that enables a lot of creativity and flexibility when it comes to coloring video.

  • First and foremost, I wanted to highlight the beauty and versatility of California. It was also my way of learning how to expose for and shoot with Slog-3, as well as edit and color-grade with Davinci Resolve.

    • Camera: Sony ZV-E1

    • Shot on S-Log 3 Color Space

    • Film Emulation using Cineprint 16

    • Edited on Davinci Resolve